Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sexuality In The Twentieth Century Essays - Sexual Orientation

Sexuality In The Twentieth Century James A. Dobbs 11/24/00 5. Sexuality in the Twentieth Century Humanity is a long drawn out historical process. Somebody once said only that which is without history can be defined. Sexuality is a substantial example of this. In his lecture, Professor Simon argued that sexuality in the twentieth century has been changeable. He draws many points about the variable of sexuality, and how it changes with through the years. The Professor also lectures about how generations mend, and explains how one generation can have great influence and impact on one another. Meaning that the beliefs of a prior generation can give way to expansion and growth of even more different ways of thinking. Complex and unchangeable sexuality draws from many different sources such as tradition, culture, and fantasy. One of the first points the Professor states is explaining how the body compares to sexuality. Simons states that there have been many changes in sexual behavior. He claims that the body is the constant. This is one thing that basically has remained the same over throughout history only with minor changes. Noting that the variable is the behavior of sexuality. Beliefs and attitudes have changed over the years, even more dramatically recently. Sexuality needs to be examined in how it fits in everyday life, and how it is shaped by everyday life. Different eras have proved to produce different beliefs on sexuality. The Professor tells of many examples in his lecture. Lets focus on the twentieth century. Simons states that a study was conducted in the twenties that proved that premariadal sex had almost doubled from the years before. He then went into the explaining that this was due to society and the industrial boom that was going on at this time. This in his opinion started to show a change in attitude of a nation. People started to become more open of who they were and their sexuality. Then he went to the 1950's and talks about the television shows that were on at this time, and stated that the innocents that they displayed were the expectation of the nation. He then moved into the 60's were two major things happened. People were starting to come of age, and the sexual revolution broke out. Peace and free love was everywhere. Professor Simons then moves into the 70's by telling a story of a woman who wrote a letter to Ann Landers, and ask should she let her son who is coming home with his girlfriend sleep in the same room. Landers replied to the lady by saying it is your house you should do what makes you feel comfortable. Then in the 80's Ann Landers was asked the same question, but this time gave more of a liberal answer. As shown, this rarely ever happened in the past, and shows the changing of the times. Today, if you look around you, people are more confident than ever. Women strive and often parallel men in many categories today. Some people are even willing to accept homosexuality. This leads to the future, which no one can predict. Although one could presume that nothing is impossible and one day, maybe gays will even be accepted by everyone in their beliefs Sexual behavior is vastly different from the past, yet the act it self has not changed. Sex is prevalent everywhere. On TV, in movies, ads, magazines, the extent to which sex is discussed these days is never ending. I believe even the straightest of beliefs on sexuality will be broken and broadened. One day, sex will be as common as the word food. We all need it to survive. Psychology Essays

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Causas frecuentes de deportacin en EEUU

Causas frecuentes de deportacin en EEUU En el aà ±o fiscal 2018, Estados Unidos deportà ³ o expulsà ³ a ms de 256.085 extranjeros. No sà ³lo indocumentados sino tambià ©n legales e incluso residentes permanentes.   Las causas de la deportacià ³n son fundamentalmente: Una o varias violaciones migratoriasCondena por una o varias felonà ­as o faltas (misdemeanors)Ser un peligro para la salud pà ºblica o la seguridad nacional Deportacià ³n por violacià ³n migratoria Aunque varias causas son posibles las ms frecuentes son: la entrada ilegal en Estados Unidos (la ms comà ºn)ser un fugitivo de una corte de inmigracià ³nUtilizar documentos falsos para obtener una visaDeterminadas mentiras a un oficial de inmigracià ³n o uno consular Aquà ­ puedes consultar una lista ms completa y con mayor explicacià ³n de lo que son las violaciones migratorias. Tener en cuenta que las và ­ctimas indocumentadas de ciertos delitos podrà ­an evitar en algunos casos las deportaciones. Por ejemplo: violencia domà ©stica  trata de personas  asalto sexualdelitos violentos cuando se colabore con las autoridades ya que se podrà ­a  calificar para la visa U o el programa SIJ para jà ³venes menores de 21 aà ±os que han sido abusados o abandonados. Deportacià ³n por delitos y/o faltas Excluyendo los migrantes expulsados porque han sido agarrados en la frontera o cerca, la mayorà ­a del resto de deportados tiene un rà ©cord. Lo que pasa es que puede haber una enorme diferencia entre un caso y otro. Asà ­, los condenados por un delito agravado eran prioridad nivel 1 para ser deportados en el à ºltimo aà ±o fiscal, en el que todavà ­a gobernaba el presidente Obama. Son ejemplos de delito agravado: asesinatoviolacià ³ntrfico de drogas.  trfico de armas, etc. Puedes ver aquà ­ un listado ms completo de los delitos agravados. Pero haber sido condenado por un sà ³lo crimen aunque no sea agravado tambià ©n es causa de deportacià ³n. En general puede decirse que hablamos de un crimen (felonà ­a) cuando la sentencia mxima que pueda ser impuesta es superior a un aà ±o de prisià ³n, aunque al condenado se le imponga una de menos tiempo. Incluso los condenados por una falta (misdemeanor) pueden ser deportados. En general puede decirse que es un misdemeanor la accià ³n cuya pena mxima no puede superar el aà ±o de prisià ³n. Incluso a veces ni hay crcel, o es suspendida, o hay sà ³lo una sentencia a prestar un servicio comunitario o una multa. Son ejemplos de misdemeanors: Robo de un servicio o una propiedad de poco valor, en la mayorà ­a de los estados, menos de $500, es lo que se conoce como petty thief.Entrar sin permiso en la propiedad de otra persona.Exhibicià ³n indecenteDesà ³rdenes pà ºblicosMostrarse borracho en pà ºblicoTambià ©n pueden incluirse violaciones de trfico, como por ejemplo, manejar sin licencia, etc. Especial atencià ³n al delito o falta de violencia domà ©stica Desde el 30 de septiembre de 1996 cualquier extranjero condenado por violencia domà ©stica puede ser deportado. Adems, segà ºn cada caso puede ser calificado de delito agravado o inmoral  o falta grave, lo que tendrà ­a consecuencias adicionales. Aunque la regulacià ³n cambia de estado a estado en là ­neas generales puede decirse que la violencia domà ©stica es un crimen cuando se da entre dos personas que viven juntas como pareja, no es necesario que exista un matrimonio vlido. Adems, hay violencia domà ©stica cuando hay golpes pero tambià ©n cuando hay sà ³lo abuso psicolà ³gico o amenazas. Adems, fuera del mbito de la violencia domà ©stica hay que saber que las relaciones sexuales con menores de edad, aunque sean consentidas e incluso sean con el novio/a pueden dar lugar a situaciones muy problemticas y pueden ser consideradas un delito o una falta. Quà © se debe hacer si se tiene acusacià ³n de delito o falta Si hay una acusacià ³n por un delito o falta es importantà ­simo lucharla. Contratar a un abogado (en corte criminal pueden poner uno de oficio si no se tiene dinero). Pero lo fundamental es evitar una condena. Y si no se puede, entender bien las posibles consecuencias migratorias. Si lo que se abre es un procedimiento de deportacià ³n ante un juez de inmigracià ³n por una violacià ³n migratoria, aquà ­ sà ­ que el gobierno no pone un abogado si no se puede pagar. Pero es fundamental acudir a las citas con una persona preparada para dar buen consejo legal y luchar,y si se puede la deportacià ³n. Una vez que se han agotado todas las posibilidades de pelear una orden de deportacià ³n o ya no se desea seguir en la lucha es posible que se necesite un tiempo extra por alguna razà ³n grave antes de salir de Estados Unidos. En estos casos la opcià ³n es solicitar un aplazamiento o suspensià ³n temporal de la deportacià ³n (stay). Quà © hay que saber si se produce la deportacià ³n Las consecuencias no son las mismas segà ºn la causa de la remocià ³n. No es lo mismo una deportacià ³n por un delito agravado o por uno inmoral que otra cuando te acaban de agarrar intentando cruzar por primera vez ilegalmente la frontera y eres objeto de una expulsià ³n inmediata. Es asimismo muy importante informarse correctamente sobre en quà © casos  se puede pedir un perdà ³n, conocido tambià ©n como waiver o permiso. De interà ©s para migrantes Como se ha dicho al principio de este artà ­culo, los residentes permanentes pueden ser deportados. Para evitar estos riesgos lo mejor es convertirse en ciudadano por naturalizacià ³n tan pronto como sea posible. Estos son los tiempos de espera para los residentes para aplicar por la ciudadanà ­a americana. Finalmente, los indocumentados deben informarse sobre los caminos realistas para su  legalizacià ³n e incluso si les alcanza la  proteccià ³n 245(i) para migrantes con peticiones antiguas que fueron aprobadas pero que no finalizaron los trmites. Este artà ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

E-Business Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

E-Business Systems - Essay Example The mission statement of Reebok includes two very significant aspects; Through online retailing Reebok is indeed trying to reach nearer the customer and igniting the passion for more purchases. Listening to the requirements of the time and IT era, Reebok has indeed put in lot of successful efforts to make the online retailing site more customer friendly. Reebok has earned a name for itself in the field of sporting goods and sponsorships, therefore to maintain the leading brand identity requires investments with adaptive and corrective actions at crucial junctures. E-business is just one such step. It can be safely said that, 'Information is power! It is an asset that can help overcome the glorious uncertainties and opens new avenues for doing business. Marketing, plays a crucial role in this entire business process. For an effective marketing strategy psychological needs of the customer(s) are to be kept in mind. These needs must be met in order for a person to be persuaded to purchase a product or service. E-business is no exception. Here the website visitor is persuaded to close the deal successfully by following a five step strategy. This can be done with building trust and confidence by meeting the psychological marketing needs of that visitor and potential customer while escorting that visitor through the selection and purchasing process. These five levels of the sales process are the core components that will move a website viewer from visitor to customer or client. The five levels are; Marketing/Prospecting to the Target Market and Audience: Prospecting is the result of marketing. It's the delivery of targeted qualified traffic to the company's virtual storefront. This can be achieved by search engine optimization, pay per clicks, or advertisements that draw people to the company's site. Once they are there it is the job and responsibility of the company to deliver its Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Though Reebok doesn't appear to be making frantic efforts towards attracting the audience from all around, but once they are in the virtual store, there's lot for the customer to have a look at, different varieties, technologies that are being used in designing the shoes, video bites of sporting personalities etc. Building Credibility and Trust - (viewer needs this to move forward): In a brick and mortar business trust is built by human interaction. Greeting a person when they walk in the door or physically helping them find something that they are looking for, helps in business propositions. For a virtual store the company is supposed to make sure that the site appears to be trustworthy, it has a professional appearance. The company is also supposed to know how long does it take to open the web-page How easy is it navigating through (i.e. user friendly links and